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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A letter to congressmen and senators

Honestly enough is enough . There has been too much already done in this country by the federal government against those who are christians. Thry have made it illegal for us to ptay or carry our Bibles , while everyone else can do as they please with their beliefs. The federal government has made it ok for some people to desecrate the US flag , which is our national symbol of honor and sovereignty; when it should be protected from any harm like it use to be.  Why is it also ok now for others to insult and belittle anyone who is white, and yet us white people get imprisoned or worse if we try to defenf ourselves from such verbal or physical attacks?

Why is the federal government making it so wrong to be white and/or christian ? What in the world has happened to the Constitutional right of all people being FREE AND EQUAL? When did it become the right of the federal government to br able to decide who and when those constitutional rights apply?

For the government's information , it has never been your right or power to determine such things. Obviously the government needs to relearn what it means to be FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THR PEOPLE !!!!
Then again why is the federal government paving the way to destroy the very fabric this country was built on, the Constitution, which supposedly you swore to protect and enforce. Destroying it is NOT part of that, and when you allow it to be thought of as ok to make it illegal to be white or christian, you might as well as be destroying the constition while you're at it.
I'm tired of seeing all three branches of the federal government tramplung the constition and desecrating it like you let people here in our own country do to our flag. What is yourvpoint of making such a laughing stock out of the US as you been doing by allowing these things to happen, let alone letting the president get away with soo many treasonous actions??? What in the world is wrong with you, where did the honour and respect of thr Constitution go? Then again when are all you beaurocrats going to grow up and stop thesr shenanigans and do what has to be done tp straighten this mess up and show some dignity and intelligence that your position ingovernment is suppose to call for.

This country was founded on certain principles, which i deeply believe in and would if i could ,die for. The constitution, the declaration of independence and the bill of rights is for everyone , not just for a select few the federal government deems worthy of. So fix it, and stand up r what you were sworn to uphold.

Christine schaffner

P.s. by the waywith the way things are going in time am i going to be forced to change my Gid-given birth name since it means christian, cause it might offend someone? How far are you going to let this go on? Til we are all in prison or dead perhaps,  because of our skin color or how we believe? Cause if you don't do something about this, that kind of stuff may very well happen .

Posted via Blogaway

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